Resolutions for Cancer Survivors


If you’re a cancer survivor, every new year is a chance to plan for a healthy life. And you’re in good company. There are almost 14.5 million cancer survivors in the United States, and the number keeps growing.

People with cancer are living longer, not only because of early detection and improved treatments, but also because many take an active role in managing their health. This is certainly the case at The Ghosh Center, where we equip patients with knowledge and encourage them to make informed decisions and lasting lifestyle changes.

As you make resolutions for 2016, these belong at the top of your list.

1. Nourish your body

Commit to good nutrition. A healthy diet promotes survivorship and reduces the risk of cancer recurrence. We offer a wealth of appetizing recipes and are always open to your questions about healthy eating.

2. Stay active

Exercise boosts your energy and adds zest to life. It also has been shown to decrease the risk of cancer coming back. Find activities you enjoy and do them on a regular basis. The American Cancer Society encourages survivors to exercise for at least 150 minutes per week. That’s one of the reasons we offer free yoga and exercise sessions to all of our patients and their caregivers.

3. Get to a healthy weight

Following the first two resolutions will help you achieve and sustain a healthy weight. Even small changes in diet and exercise can make a big difference, especially over time. Extra pounds are linked to lower survival rates for many cancers and are a risk factor for developing others.

4. Feed your soul

Connect with your inner self in a way that works best for you. This could be meditation, yoga, journaling, inspirational reading or listening to music. Seek out support from other cancer survivors or friends with similar goals for self-care.

5. Talk to your doctor

Schedule an appointment with your primary care provider to map out health screenings and tests for the year ahead. Or give us a call to learn how to put together an effective plan for managing your healthcare needs. We’re here to help.

6. Make realistic resolutions

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. The five resolutions listed above are plenty…for this year and all that follow. Your health is a precious gift. Protecting it is the best thing you can do to live life to the fullest.