A Cool Place to Work


If you’ve been to our office, you know it’s a positive place. Some of our patients tell us they even look forward to coming for treatment. We like coming to work, too. The vibe is warm and friendly; the feeling is like family.

It makes for a pretty cool place to work. So cool, in fact, that we’ve been recognized as one of the Coolest Places to Work in the Corridor. We were ranked in the Top 3 of small companies by the Corridor Business Journal (CBJ) at their annual awards ceremony last Thursday.

Coolest Places to Work identifies and honors local companies with the most engaging and rewarding work environments. Organizations in Kirkwood’s seven-county region were selected based on a worker satisfaction survey.

Award Ceremony

We were the only healthcare organization to be awarded this honor among the small, medium and large organizations that made the list. Dr. Ghosh, Mindy, Joni, Mike and Dr. Luiken attended the ceremony and enjoyed meeting others who were honored. In recognition, we received a beautiful glass work of art.

Today, the CBJ is featuring an article from our team, in which we describe all the good things about  working at The Ghosh Center. It appears in its entirety below.

A Better Way to Work

Stressed. Downcast. Drained. Depleted. These are some of the things people assume about us when they learn we work at a cancer center. They need to think again.

Although we care for patients with serious illness, our focus – and theirs – is on sustaining hope and celebrating life. We encircle patients with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual support. We know people’s stories, understand their values and honor their choices. We find more reasons to laugh than cry.

So, let’s find a new vocabulary to describe our work. How about: Uplifted? Energized? Empowered? Inspired? All of the above? Yes, because all of these words characterize our work at The Ghosh Center.

We’re Uplifted

Caring for people who’ve received a cancer diagnosis is a privilege. Every day, we learn about our patients as people. We hear what’s on their hearts and minds; we meet the people who love them. We see them tap into hidden stores of strength, mend relationships, set goals and rise to achieve them. We help them live their best lives and do what matters most.

We’re Empowered

We’re all in as a team. Our workplace culture is tight-knit and transparent, with an emphasis on shared goal-setting and decision-making. Each of us joined The Ghosh Center because we believe in its patient-focused mission and are committed to its patients-first model of care.

We’re Energized

We emphasize self-care to patients and practice it as a team. Among our benefits are weekly in-house chair massages and membership in a health club of our choice. We receive coverage for the cost of continuing medical education and tuition assistance to expand our professional knowledge. Our center was one of the first local organizations to be designated a Blue Zones Worksite. We take time for an annual retreat and recently hosted a speaker on resiliency and relaxation techniques.

We’re Inspired

When our patients experience positive results, we find fulfillment. Our five-year survival rate for patients with metastatic cancer is nearly five times greater than the national rate, validating the effectiveness of patient-focused care.Our patients give us high marks for patient satisfaction. For the last three years, they’ve ranked us in the top 1% in the nation for patient satisfaction, affirming the importance of putting patients first.We find sources of funding to help people afford the cost of treatment. In the past three years, we’ve saved patients over 7 million dollars. Many patients pay it forward by raising funds for the Anna Purna Ghosh Foundation and the Blesie Tree Foundation, inspiring us with their selfless generosity.We get back much more than we give. And we thank our patients for entrusting us with their care.