Measuring What Matters Most


When we want to measure how we’re doing, we ask you. And you answer. You tell us in person; you send us notes; you share feedback online. Many of you take the time to fill out surveys provided by Press Ganey, a leader in healthcare performance assessment. Press Ganey analyzes thousands of surveys each year from hospital and healthcare clinic patients around the country to identify top performers.

Year after year, you give us high ratings in patient satisfaction. This week, we received our fourth Guardian of Excellence Award® from Press Ganey, confirming that:

The Ghosh Center ranks in the top one percent nationally for patient experience four years in a row.

Professional and Personal Excellence

When it comes to caring for patients, we hold ourselves to high standards. On a clinical level, we work diligently to achieve QOPI® certification, the Quality Oncology Practice Initiative program of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. We were recently recertified by QOPI, reflecting that we continue to meet rigorous national standards for quality of care and patient safety.

On a more personal level, we strive to create an environment where patients feel heard, respected and loved. We learn about your values, empower you to make decisions about treatment and attend to all aspects of your well-being – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Patient-focused care is the foundation of our practice, and we’re delighted to see that it’s working for you.

Continuous Improvement

We’re not stopping here though. Our performance as a patient-focused practice relies on your feedback to make it better. We continually set our sights high; gather input from our patients, our team and our community; and then adjust based on what we learn. It’s a continuous process, and we’re committed to doing it collaboratively.

Thank YOU for your faith in us. When we work together to improve healthcare, everyone wins.